ABOUT RPSC Asst professor Exam
[Tentative date of exam notification :- Published According To Requirement By RPSC
Tentative date of filling forms :- Published According To Requirement By RPSC
Tentative date of exam :- Published According To Requirement By RPSC
Scheme & Pattern of RPSC Asst professor Exam
The Scheme of competitive examination shall consist of-
Written examination; and (ii) Interview
PAPER I & II : Subject In Which You Are Specialized (Objective type paper)
75+75 = 150 Marks
PAPER III: General Knowledge Of Rajasthan (Objective type paper):- 50 marks
Interview marks : 24
Total marks : – 224
Syllabus of RPSC Asst professor Exam
RPSC Botany Paper-1 SYLLABUS
- Archaebacteria, eubacteria and cyanobacteria – ultra-structure and reproduction; L-Form Bacteria, Prions, Viroids, Virusoids; Characteristics and ultrastructure of virions; Mycoplasma, Spiroplasma and Phytoplasma – General characters and role in causing plant diseases; Microbiology of water, air and soil.
- General account of diseases caused by plant pathogens; molecular basis of host parasite interaction, pathogen attack and defense mechanism; etiology of red rot of sugarcane, rust of wheat, covered smut of wheat, loose smut of wheat, green ear disease of bajra, leaf spot and smut of jowar, ergot and smut of bajra, root knot and rot diseases of vegetables; disease control and the role of information technology in disease management.
- Algae of diversified habitats (Terrestrial, Fresh water, Marine); Thallus organization, cell structure and reproduction in different classes/groups; Criteria of classification of algae; Economic importance of algae.
- General characteristics of different classes/groups of fungi, cell ultrastructure, cell wall composition, reproduction, heterothallism, para sexuality, recent trends in classification, economic importance of fungi; General account and economic importance of mycorrhiza and lichens.
- General characters, structure, reproduction, evolution and inter-relationships of bryophytes, pteridophytes and gymnosperms. Evolution of stele, heterospory and seed habit; Principles of palaeobotany.
- Taxonomic hierarchy, principles of nomenclature, taxonomic tools, important systems of classification (Bentham and Hooker; Engler and Prantl; Hutchinson and Takhtajan). Role of morphology, anatomy, embryology, palynology, cytology, phytochemistry, genome analysis and nucleic acid hybridization in taxonomy. Taxonomy of some selected families (Leguminosae, Cucurbitaceae, Asteraceae, Asclepiadaceae, Solanaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Poaceae). Phylogeny of angiosperms.
- General concepts of plant morphology, origin and evolution of flower – Primitive living angiosperms, foliar stamens, open carpels. Plant anatomy – types of tissue; Organization of root and shoot apical meristems; Secondary growth (normal and anomalous) and Anomalous primary structures of root and stem.
- Development of male and female gametophytes, pollination, pollen pistil interaction, fertilization, endosperm development and embryogenesis; seed development and fruit formation; polyembryony, apomixis, embryo culture; biochemistry and molecular biology of fruit maturation.
- Basic concepts of ecology, ecological factors affecting the plants. Principle of limiting factors; population characteristics, population interaction, r and K selection, genecology and range extensions, community characteristics, community classification, continuum concept, ecological niche, plant succession in various habitats, concept of climax. Structure and function of ecosystem, energy flow and biogeochemical cycles (N,P,C,S), primary production, plant indicators, major biomes of the world. Phytogeographical regions of India, vegetation of Rajasthan. Ecosystem services.
- Environmental pollution- air, water, noise and soil; Greenhouse effect, Ozone layer depletion, Acid rain; Concept of biodiversity with special reference to India, Hot spots, Rare, Endangered and Endemic plant species of Rajasthan, strategies for conservation of the flora. Bio-monitoring. Environmental Impact Assessment.
- Plant civilization, centers of diversity/origin of crop plants, gene diversity Utilization, cultivation and improvement of food plants (rice, wheat, bajra, pulses, green-gram, moth and beans), Oil seeds (mustard, soybean and ground nut), drugs (Rauvolfia, Ephedra, Papaver, Atropa, Cinchona and Withania), fibre (cotton, jute and coir) and plants of industrial value (Tobacco, sugarcane, tea and coffee). Ethnobotany, under-exploited plants of potential medicinal and food value with special reference to Rajasthan.
- Bright field Microscopy, Electron microscopy (TEM & SEM), Confocal microscopy, phase contrast microscopy; Fixation (of lower and higher plant groups) and staining techniques (for bright field microscopy, cytology and bacterial staining); Chromatography, Electrophoresis, ELISA, Spectrophotometry, centrifugation.
- Plant-water relation, membrane transport and translocation of water and solutes.
- Enzymes– General characteristics, Classification, mechanism of action, kinetics of enzymatic catalysis, regulation of enzyme activity, active sites, coenzymes, activators and inhibitors, isozymes.
- Photosynthesis- Pigments, photophosphorylation, Mechanism of photosynthesis, photorespiration, photosynthesis in C4 plants, CAM.
- Nitrogen fixation and Nitrogen metabolism. Fatty acid metabolism. Signal transduction: overview, receptors and G-proteins, phospholipid signaling, second messengers, two-component sensor-regulator system in bacteria and plants.
- Respiration- Glycolysis, TCA cycle, Oxidative phosphorylation, Glycogen breakdown, inter conversion of hexoses and pentoses.
- Seed dormancy and germination. Concept of growth and development. Physiological effects and mechanism of action of auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid. Plant rhythms and biological clock. Secondary metabolites. Plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Physiology of flowering- Photoperiodism and Vernalization.
- Ultrastructure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Cell membrane- structure and function; Cell organelles- structure and functions; Ultrastructure of nucleus; DNA: Structure, A, B and Z forms, replication, damage and repair; Cells cycle; Structure of chromatin and its organization; Special types of chromosomes; Banding patterns; Chromosomal aberrations and numerical chromosome abnormalities.
- Genetics of prokaryotes and eukaryotic organelles; Mapping of bacteriophage genome; Genetic transformation, Conjugation and Transduction in bacteria; Cytoplasmic male sterility. Mendelism, Allelic and non-allelic gene interactions.
- Techniques in cell biology-in situ hybridization, FISH, GISH. Genetic code, transcription and translation, RNA processing; Teminism; Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Genetic mapping; Independent assortment and crossing over, molecular mechanism of recombination, genetic markers. Mutations, molecular basis of spontaneous and induced mutations and their role in evolution. Principles of plant breeding, important conventional methods of self and cross pollinated and vegetatively propagated crops; Mutation breeding.
- Basic concepts, principles and scope of Biotechnology, plant cell and tissue culture. Concept of totipotency; Micropropagation by axillary bud proliferation and adventitious shoot bud differentiation; Embryogenesis and organogenesis; Somatic hybridization, protoplast- isolation, fusion and culture; Artificial seeds; Somaclones and somatic hybrids; in-vitro production of secondary metabolites and bioactive compounds.
- Recombinant DNA Technology: Restriction enzymes, Gene cloning- principles and techniques; construction of gene library (genome and cDNA library); DNA sequencing, polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR, DNA finger printing. Genetic engineering of plants: Aims and strategies for development of transgenics, Methods of gene transfer in plants, intellectual property rights and possible ecological risks and ethical concerns. Microbial genetic manipulation. Structural and functional genomics, microarray, genome sequencing projects (with special reference to rice, wheat, chick pea and tomato) and proteomics.
- Principles and practices of statistical methods in biological research, samples and population, Data collection and processing in research; Basic statistics (averages, statistics of dispersion, coefficient of variation, standard error and deviation); Confidence limits, Probability, Distribution (Binomial, Poisson and Normal), Tests of statistical significance, Simple Correlation and Regression, Analysis of Variance.
RPSC Asst. Professor Zoology paper I syllabus
(a) Principles, rules and basis of Taxonomy and classification.
(b) Binomial system of nomenclature.
(c) General survey of animal kingdom, classification up to order and inter-relationship of the various phyla.
Diversity of Life Forms:
Structure and functions of the invertebrates (Protozoa to Echinodermata) and their economic importance.
(a) Levels of structural organizations- Unicellular, colonial and multicellular forms, Coelom, segmentation and metamerism.
(b) Locomotory organs and their mechanisms.
(c) Food, feeding and digestion.
(d) Respiration.
(e) Excretory and osmoregulatory organs.
(f) Primitive and advanced nervous systems.
(g) Reproduction: Asexual, sexual and parthenogenesis.
(h) Larval forms.
Structural organization of Chordates:
(a) Protochordates, Balanoglossus, Herdmania, Branchiostoma.
(b) Comparative anatomy of integument, skeletal, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urinogenital & nervous systems of vertebrates.
(c) Adaptation in vertebrates (fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals).
(d) Economic importance of chordates.
Developmental Biology:
(a) Gametogenesis.
(b) Fertilization.
(c) Early embryonic developments (Cleavage, Blastulation, Fate maps, Morphogenetic movements, Gastrulation).
(d) Organisers and Organogenesis.
(e) Development of Frog and Chick including Metamorphosis.
(f) Formation of extra embryonic membranes in Chick.
(g) Function and types of placenta in mammals, gestation and Parturition.
(h) Cell differentiation and teratogenesis.
(i) Sex differentiation in humans.
(a) Mendelian laws of inheritance, recombination, linkage, linkage maps and crossing over, Multiple alleles, gene interaction.
(b) Mutation – Natural and induced mutations. Chromosome number and forms, structural rearrangements; Polyploidy.
(c) Cytoplasmic inheritance.
(d) Human genetics – normal and abnormal, pedigree analysis, karyotypes, genes and diseases, eugenics.
(e) Sex chromosomes and sex determination.
(f) Quantitative genetics- polygenic inheritance, heritability and its measurements, QTL mapping.
(a) Origin of life; history of evolutionary thoughts.
(b) Lamarckism and Darwinism. Sources and nature of variations. Natural selection. Hardy-Weinberg law, Causes of speciation.
(c) Concept of species and sub-species.
(d) Fossils and their studies, outline of Geological eras. Origin and evolution of man.
(e) Principles and theories of continental distribution of animals.
(f) Zoogeographical realms of the world.
(a) Approaches and methods in study of behaviour.
(b) Proximate and ultimate causation, altruism and evolution-Group selection, kin selection, reciprocal altruism.
(c) Neural basis of learning, memory, cognition, sleep and arousal.
(d) Biological clocks, Development of behaviour, Social communication; Social dominance; Use of space and territoriality. Aggressive behaviour.
(e) Parental investment and Reproductive success; Parental care, Mating systems.
(f) Habitat selection and optimality in foraging; Migration, orientation and navigation; Domestication and behavioural changes.
RPSC Asst professor Zoology paper II syllabus
Unit 1: Cellular Organization and Molecular Biology-
- Structure and function of cell and cytoplasmic constituents: Structure of nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes and ribosomes. Cell cycle and cell division.
- Membrane structure and function: Structure of model membrane, Lipid bilayer and membrane protein, diffusion, osmosis, ion channels, Active transport membrane pumps, mechanism of solving and regulations of intracellular transport, Electrical properties of membrane.
- Structure and types of nucleic acids.
- DNA replication, repair and recombination (Unit of replication, enzymes involved, replication origin and replication fork, fidelity of replication, extra chromosomal replicons, DNA damage and repair mechanisms, homologous and site-specific recombination).
- RNA synthesis and processing (transcription factors and machinery, formation of initiation complex, transcription activator and repressor, RNA polymerases, capping, elongation, and termination, RNA processing, RNA editing, splicing, and polyadenylation, structure and function of different types of RNA, RNA transport).
- Protein synthesis and processing (Ribosome, formation of initiation complex, initiation factors and their regulation, elongation and elongation factors, termination, genetic code, aminoacylation of tRNA, tRNA-identity, aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, and translational proof-reading, translational inhibitors, Posttranslational modification of proteins).
- Control of gene expression at transcription and translation level (regulating the expression of phages, viruses, prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes, role of chromatin in gene expression and gene silencing).
Unit 2: Cell Cell Communication –
- Cellular communication: Regulation of hematopoiesis, general principles of cell communication, cell adhesion and roles of different adhesion molecules, gap junctions, extracellular matrix, integrins, neurotransmission and its regulation.
- Cell signaling: Hormones and their receptors, cell surface receptor, signaling through G-protein coupled receptors, signal transduction pathways, second messengers, regulation of signaling pathways, bacterial and plant two-component systems, light signaling in plants, bacterial chemotaxis and quorum sensing.
- Cancer: Changes in progenitor cells, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, cancer and the cell cycle, virus-induced cancer, metastasis, interaction of cancer cells with normal cells, apoptosis, therapeutic interventions of uncontrolled cell growth.
Unit 3: Biological Techniques and Biotechnology-
- Microscopic techniques: Light microscopy, Confocal, Florescence, Phase contrast, Electron and Atomic force microscopes and images processing methods in microscopy.
- Histochemical staining of Nucleic acids and Enzymes. Antibody generation, ELISA, RIA, Blotting techniques, Immunocytochemical techniques, FISH, GISH.
- Radiolabelling Techniques; Types and properties of Radio isotopes, Tracer techniques, Autoradiography and safety guidelines.
- Electrophoresis, Centrifugation, Chromatography, Colorimetry Spectrophotometry.
- Isolation and purification of RNA, DNA (genomic and plasmid) and proteins. Different separation methods.
- Analysis of RNA, DNA and proteins by one and two dimensional gel electrophoresis, Isoelectric focusing gels.
- Molecular cloning of DNA & RNA fragments in bacterial and eukaryotic systems.
- Expression of recombinant proteins using bacterial, animal and plant vectors.
- Isolation of specific nucleic acid sequences, Generation of genomic and cDNA libraries.
- Plasmid, phage, cosmid, BAC and YAC vectors.
- In vitro mutagenesis and deletion techniques, gene knock out in bacterial and eukaryotic organisms.
- Protein sequencing methods, detection of post translation modification of proteins. DNA sequencing methods, strategies for genome sequencing.
- Methods for analysis of gene expression at RNA and protein level, large scale expression, such as micro array based techniques.
- Isolation, separation and analysis of carbohydrate and lipid molecules.
- RFLP, RAPD and AFLP techniques.
- Statistical applications in Biology – Mean, Median, Mode, Student’s ‘t’ test, Chi-square test, Standard Deviation. Correlation and Regression, Variance and Analysis of Variance. Computer applications in biology – fundamentals of computers.
Unit 4: Animal Ecology Biodiversity and Wild life Studies-
- Environment – Biotic and Abiotic Components, Population and its Ecology: Characteristics of population, growth curves, regulation. Life history strategies, concept of meta population, demes and dispersal, interdemic, extinction, age structured populations.
- Population, interspecific and intraspecific relationships.
- Community ecology and succession, concept of ecosystem.
- Biogeochemical cycles. Limiting factors. Concepts of habitat and ecological niche.
- Major biomes and their communities and Biogeography.
- Pollution – its control and management, Biodegradation and Bioremediation.
- Concepts, principles and types of biodiversity.
- Major Biodiversity areas and hotspot in India.
- Conservation and major wild life sanctuaries in Rajasthan.
- Rare, Endangered species or Threatened species and their conservation strategies.
Unit 5: Human Physiology-
- Chemistry of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Enzymes and hormones. Biological oxidation. Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
- Cell Physiology- Structure, types and mechanism of muscle contraction. Structure of neuron and transmission of axonic and synaptic nerve impulse.
- Functions of sensory organs concerned with vision, sound perception, taste, smell and touch.
- Physiology of Gastrointestinal tract: Contractility, Secretion of digestive juices, GI hormones. Mechanism of digestion and absorption.
- Physiology of Respiration: Pulmonary ventilation and gaseous exchange.
- Structure and Circulation of Blood: Blood structure and functions, blood groups, clotting of blood, elementary idea of immunology. Structure and functions of the heart, Cardiac Cycle, Heart Beat, and its chemical regulation.
- Physiology of Excretion: Kidney structure, urine formation, counter current mechanism, regulation of electrolyte and water balance of the body.
- Endocrine Physiology: Structure, functions of Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Islets of langerhans and pineal gland.
- Physiology of Reproduction: Structure and hormones of Ovary & Testis. Hormonal control of gametogenesis and menstrual cycle.
Eligibility for RPSC Asst professor Exam
Age: as on 1-07-2023 Min Age 21 Year And Maximum Age 40 (Relaxation According To Reservation Categories To Women(5 years 10 years for sc/st woman), ST /SC male 5 years, Physically Challenged 5 years)
Allied Subjects for botany & Zoology in RPSC Asst professor Exam
Allied subjects ELIGIBILITY for RPSC asst professor BOTANY
- Biotechnology
- Environmental Studies
- Environment Science
- Applied Microbiology
- System Physiology-Plant Physiology
- Plant Science
- Forestry
- BioScience
- Bioinformatic Science
- Genetics
- Microbiology
- Life Science
- Marine Biotechnology
- Biochemistry
- Molecular Biology
- Genetic Engineering
- Advanced Phycology
- Allied subjects ELIGIBILITY for RPSC asst professor Zoology
- Life Science
- Marine Biotechnology
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Animal Behaviour and Neurobiology
- Biomedical Science
- Marine Biology
- Fisheries
- Aqua Culture
- Limnology
- Entomology
- Genetics
- Applied Biochemistry
- Biochemistry
- Molecular & Human Genetics
- Environmental & Ecosystem
- Bioengineering and Technology
- Wild Life
Criteria of Qualifying marks for getting into next round for interview call
To the extent of three times of total number of vacancies (category wise), the candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in written examination as may be fixed by the Commission, shall be summoned for interview.